11507 Oxnard St. Suite 1, North Hollywood, CA 91606

Rebuild Your Smile with Dental Implants

A smile damaged by decay, trauma, or periodontal disease once had little hope for long-lasting restoration. Today, however, modern dental dental implantimplants fill smile gaps, remake oral function and appearance, and strengthen bone and gum tissue. That's why your dentists at Dental Planet in North Hollywood—Dr. Michael Amir and Dr. Talia Amir—place dental implants for so many of their patients. Why not see if these great artificial teeth could help you?


The tragedy of tooth loss

The act of losing teeth creates many dental problems, including:

  • Impaired biting and chewing (sometimes with resulting digestive issues such as GERD)
  • Poor articulation of certain letter sounds, along with speech slurring and whistling
  • Decreased self-confidence because of obvious smile gaps
  • Weakening and drifting of teeth adjacent to the gap
  • Bone deterioration around the empty tooth socket

With the loss of multiple teeth, the impact escalates. In fact, when people lose teeth, their jawbones degrade rapidly over the subsequent 18-month period following the incident, and to a lesser degree, for the rest of their lifetimes.


Stopping the damage

Conventional tooth replacements which set on top of the gums and alveolar ridge of the jaw bone cannot halt bone loss because they do not provide adequate exercise for either the hard or soft tissue. However, dental implants from your North Hollywood dentist do provide that all-important jawbone stimulation. How do they do it, though?

Well, unlike other restorative methods, dental implants reside in the jaw. Dr. Amir inserts the titanium devices into the bone during an in-office minor surgery. As the surgical site heals, the bone wraps around the titanium root.

This healing process is called osseointegration, and it is unique to dental implants. As stated by the Journal of Functional Biomaterials, the threads on the implant structure actually encourage osseointegration as does the amazing biocompatibility of the natural titanium metal.

Additionally, as the patient uses his or her new teeth, the bond between implants and bone strengthens. The Institute for Dental Implant Awareness confirms implant life expectancy of 40 to 50 years.


Can you qualify for dental implants?

Your dentist will perform a complete oral examination and special imaging to see if dental implants are right for you. You need enough bone in your jaw and good systemic health to qualify. While younger people may experience quicker healing after their surgeries, age does not deter implant placement. Implants may be used to support bridgework and dentures, an important consideration for patients with extensive tooth loss.

Also, if you are conscientious about oral hygiene and do not smoke, you should do very well with your dental implants. Six-month cleanings and check-ups at Dental Planet are crucial, as well.


Rebuild and look great

You can with today's most successful tooth replacements—dental implants. Find out more at a personalized consultation with Dr. Michael Amir or Dr. Talia Amir at Dental Planet. Call for an appointment today: (818) 506-2977.

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9:00 am - 7:00 pm




9:00 am - 7:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm



9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
9:00 am - 7:00 pm
8:00 am - 4:00 pm