11507 Oxnard St. Suite 1, North Hollywood, CA 91606

The Amazing Benefits of Dental Implants

Modern dentistry provides us with numerous options for replacing missing or lost teeth. Most of these options focus on the mere replacement of the missing teeth and closing the gap they have left behind so that you maintain your beautiful smile. However, dental implants offer more than just keeping your smile picture-perfect. They likewise deliver a multitude of amazing benefits.

With help from your dentist here at Dental Planet in North Hollywood, CA, Dr. Michael Amir, or Dr. Talia Amir, you can also enjoy all the benefits that dental implants offer. Here they are.

Keeps You Looking Great
Dental implants will not only give you an awesome smile, but they will make you look great overall. When you have a missing tooth, you will gradually develop that sunken look. This is because of the deterioration of the jawbone at the part where your tooth is missing. The titanium post of the dental implant tricks the body into thinking that the original root of your natural tooth is still in place.

So the jawbone continues to grow and become stronger to support your facial features. A bonus to that beautiful smile and great looking face is the boost in confidence that you get as you meet face-to-face with other people.

Improves Your Health
The loss of a tooth will put additional stress on the surrounding teeth as you chew. This will result in accelerated wear and tear, which will eventually lead to cavities. The gap created by the missing tooth likewise forces the remaining teeth to shift, which is a coping mechanism of your body as it attempts to fill in the gaps. Dental implants will not only stop the remaining teeth from moving around, but it could likewise improve your health by giving you the closest thing to natural teeth as a replacement.

Additionally, the titanium post fuses to your jawbone, making it an integral part of your body. In essence, it becomes a natural part of your oral structure. No other tooth-replacement option offers this benefit. As the dental implant improves your health by compensating for the missing tooth, it also simultaneously makes your overall health better.

Be Worry-Free
Dental implants are made from non-biological materials so they’re not susceptible to cavities. But this does not give you the green light to splurge on sugary foods and forget your oral hygiene routine. The dental implants may be cavity-proof, but your gums and the remaining natural teeth in your mouth are not. So you need to keep up with regular visits to your dentist in North Hollywood, CA, as well as your brushing, flossing, and rinsing.

To supplement this awesome benefit of being cavity-free, dental implants are likewise secure and stable. This means you can eat virtually anything that you want without them moving, shifting, or falling off as you chew your food.

Take Advantage of These Amazing Benefits of Dental Implants, Talk to Us
Set a meeting here at Dental Planet in North Hollywood, CA, with one of our dentists, Dr. Michael Amir or Dr. Talia Amir, by dialing (818) 506-2977.

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